April 24, 2017
Room Layout
When it comes to making a space your own then it is often the final touches that make the difference.
Just a brief mention though:
Review the layout of the room.
- Is furniture ideally positioned?
- While a fireplace may be a focal point in the room during winter months, it might be an interesting option to redirect seating where a bay window looking out to the garden is relevant.
- Do all furniture pieces actually have a purpose-be ruthless on this. The wobbly side-table or the saggy-sprung couch should all prepare for eviction.
- Draw a floor plan of the room and cut out furniture pieces to be moved about until a pleasing layout emerges- it is all a lot less hassle than actually physically moving things about
- Is the room itself working to its fullest potential for those who have to live in it?
De-cluttering is a good start here. You will quickly see how much space is wasted on storing items rarely if ever used anymore. This can include computer gadgets, books and hobby equipment that never really saw the light of day.
If a good stark tidy-up doesn’t really make much of a difference, then it may be worth considering more radical action and calling in the builders. An expert eye can identify opportunities for improving the light and function between one and more rooms.
Photo Attached:
Striking colour and Simple Lines – The ideal style when space is precious!
Table & Chairs
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